All Out® Anti Dengue Coil

Mosquito Coil
Raid mosquito All Out Anti Dengue Coil

All Out® Anti Dengue Coil

Anti Dengue Coil

  • D-trans Allethrin Formula

  • Super Size

  • Kills Dengue Mosquitoes



  • To bring quick and proper results, ignite the mosquito coil and place in the centre of the room.

  • To spread the smoke evenly one can use a fan.

  • The mosquito coil should be used in rooms where the windows are kept open for proper ventilation.

  • Coil burning time is 12 hours under draught free conditions.

d-trans allethrin 0.1%

  • Keep away from children, food and food stuffs.

  • Avoid contact with mouth.

  • Empty containers and packages of surplus materials and washings from the machines and containers should be disposed in a safe manner so as to prevent environmental and water pollution.

  • The used packages shall not be left outside to prevent re-use.

  • Packages shall be broken and buried away from habitation.